Special: Potatoes, Potato AdviceVegetable Garden

Mixed culture: 14 good neighbors of potatoes

Potato plants aligned in rows are often found in allotments. But potato cultivation is more efficient with mixed cultivation! We present 14 plants that get along excellently with potatoes and have a yield-increasing effect.Mixed culture for more yieldFor generations, allotment gardeners and farmers have relied on mixed cultivation when growing crops. Different plants on one area influence each other. This influence can have a positive, but also a negative effect on plant health and yield.Adva...

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Special: Rhubarb Is A Popular VegetableVegetable Garden

How deep is rhubarb roots?

If a rhubarb stands in one location for several years, the substrate is used up. This leads to weaker growth and lower yields. In addition, the plant becomes more susceptible to diseases and pests. Even with regular fertilization, the consumption of the heavy eater cannot be balanced out. When moving, however, the root depth of the rheum rhabarbarum must be taken into account.Root depthThe flowers of the rhubarb can reach a height of up to two meters. The older the plant is and the longer it ...

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Special: Potatoes, Potato AdvicePlanting Potatoes: Distance And DepthVegetable Garden

Planting potatoes: distance and depth

There is a large selection of potato varieties. Regardless of this, you can harvest ten to fifteen times as much tubers from a planted potato, provided you observe a few basic things when planting.Create optimal planting conditionsPotatoes, also known as potatoes, require humus rich, well drained, light to medium-heavy soil. They do not tolerate waterlogging, such as occurs in heavy clay soils, unless they are treated with sand and compost. Sandy soils are particularly suitable.Preculture wit...

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Special: Potatoes, Potato AdviceVegetable Garden

Laying potatoes: ideal distance and depth

The correct spacing between the laying potatoes is just as important for the yield as a well-prepared bed and a good supply of nutrients. This article provides information about the correct spacing and laying depth of the potatoes.Laying depthHow deep potatoes are planted does not matter that much in comparison to the planting distance in the row and between the rows. With some cultivation methods, the drawing of a plant furrow is completely dispensed with. In contrast, potatoes are grown in ...

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Goji Berries, Gochi Berries GochiGoji: The Miracle Berry And Vital BerryVegetable Garden

Goji: The miracle berry and vital berry

Who doesn't dream of being young forever and staying fit? Certainly this may not be possible, because it is human nature to age, but it has been proven that this aging process can be slowed down. The so-called anti-aging berry, among experts too Goji called, can help here.The berry is sweet, red and comes from the Far East, more precisely from the Himalayan plateaus. While these fruits used to be an insider tip in Europe, they are now and are already known here used to gain more strength for ...

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Garden Vegetables Processing And RecipesVegetable Garden

Fennel tea: 9 tips to make yourself

Fennel tea is said to have many good properties and has been a very popular home remedy for a long time, to treat colds and complaints in the digestive tract gently and purely plant-based or to provide support therapy. It is also very easy to make your own tea from fresh fennel and even to pull the vegetable fennel yourself. We help with tips and a recipe.effectThe supposed effect of fennel tea is supposed to loosen phlegm in the bronchi and the remaining airways, calm the stomach and relieve...

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Garden Vegetables Processing And RecipesVegetable Garden

Is eggplant edible raw or poisonous?

Egg fruit is now available in different shapes and colors. In prepared form, they are very healthy. But what about raw fruits, are they edible or even poisonous?Eggplant edible raw?What can be safely said is that eggplant, which, like potatoes and tomatoes, belongs to the nightshade family, is only weakly to non-toxic. However, they can hardly be eaten raw. This is due on the one hand to the bitter substances it contains, which make the fruit taste very bitter, and on the other hand to the we...

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Garden Vegetables Processing And RecipesVegetable Garden

Pickling cucumbers: information on cultivation, harvest and recipe for pickling

Pickled cucumbers as a side dish or as a topping on the sandwich are a crunchy delicacy - and they are particularly tasty when everything from cultivation to preparation is done by hand became. You don't even need a bed in the garden for this, the balcony is also sufficient for the cultivation of the plants. In any case, it is important to know the key points of care and of course suitable recipes for delicious preservation. Variety selection In principle, any type of cucumber can be used to...

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Special: Tomatoes, Plants, Care, RecipesVegetable Garden

Do you have to max out tomatoes: yes or no? When do you start?

The tomato harvest is not always abundant in our latitudes. Rain and brown rot often affect the plants. The rampant growth also consumes a lot of energy, which the fruits then lack. But the so-called skimming should help against this. Those who regularly remove the energy-sapping shoots will be rewarded with a better harvest. Is that correct? If so, what do you have to consider? What is pruning? As unusual as the term may be for many, the term pruning hides a simple measure: removing unwante...

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Special: Tomatoes, Plants, Care, RecipesVegetable Garden

Combat late blight and brown rot in tomatoes

Egg fungi are responsible for the so-called late blight and brown rot. The species Phytophthora infestans infects various nightshade plants such as the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and causes typical symptoms on the parts of the plant.Typical symptomsYou can recognize the onset of an infection by the blurred spots on leaves and stems. If the fungus spreads unhindered, the entire plant dies. As soon as you discover noticeable discoloration on the fruit, it is no longer edible. Tomato disease ...

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