Special: Tomatoes, Plants, Care, RecipesVegetable Garden

Cherry tomatoes: 11 tips for growing and caring for them

Cherry tomatoes or cocktail tomatoes are popular snack vegetables. They have a particularly intense aroma and a slightly sweet taste. In addition, the mini tomatoes are ideal for salads or pasta dishes and are very easy to grow on the balcony, terrace or in the garden. With our tips on cultivation and care, no green thumb is required.Variety of varietiesCherry tomatoes, cherry tomatoes or cocktail tomatoes, as they are also called, are available in numerous different varieties. The fruits dif...

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Special: Tomatoes, Plants, Care, RecipesVegetable Garden

15 good neighbors of tomatoes

Tomato plants are particularly susceptible to fungal diseases. As a result, the plants can die within a few weeks after just one harvest cycle. With the right plants as neighbors, you can promote perennial health and an abundant harvest.Advantages of mixed cultureMixed culture is a concept that has developed over generations. It was observed which types of vegetables have a positive or negative effect on the vegetables in the immediate vicinity. Particularly with sensitive plants such as toma...

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Special: Tomatoes, Plants, Care, RecipesVegetable Garden

11 resistant tomato varieties defy rain and disease

There are many resistant tomato varieties, with wild tomatoes and hybrids with high tolerances that stand out. Below is an overview of the most popular types of tomatoes and a brief introduction to their special features.De BeraoThe tomato "De Berao" is one of the traditional tomato varieties in Russia, but is also enjoying increasing popularity in this country. It is very robust, which is why it is very suitable for outdoor cultivation. There it produces up to 80 fruits per plant, which can ...

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Special: Tomatoes, Plants, Care, RecipesVegetable Garden

How healthy are tomatoes? Information on calories, nutritional values ​​& Co.

Tomatoes not only convince with their intense taste, but also with their high nutritional value! The red fruits are real vitamin bombs and on top of that they provide a lot of minerals. This article provides an overview of the most important ingredients as well as interesting facts about the nutritional value!Nutritional valuesTomatoes are not only extremely tasty, but also very healthy. Because they consist of over 90 percent water and contain only a few calories. The fructose contained in i...

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Special: Tomatoes, Plants, Care, RecipesVegetable Garden

Autumn: what temperatures can tomatoes tolerate at night?

As summer goes and autumn comes, the nights get cooler. The following article explains which temperatures the tomatoes can still tolerate and how long they can stay outside.Ideal temperaturesSunny, warm and dry are the ideal growing conditions for tomatoes. Then over time the fruits will be big, plump, juicy, rich red and tasty. Even in the autumn months, the plants can certainly continue to thrive, and in warm daytime temperatures they can still bloom, from which fruits can still develop. Th...

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Special: Tomatoes, Plants, Care, RecipesVegetable Garden

Skimming tomato plants: Instructions in 3 steps

Pruning tomato plants is an easy way to get more and bigger fruits. However, it also has other advantages. Nevertheless, many hobby gardeners shy away from it and fear that they will remove the wrong shoots or cause damage to the plants. These dangers do not exist with our instructions.sortsNot all tomato plants need to be maxed out. It is unnecessary for shrub and bush tomatoes, for example. These plants stay compact anyway and are therefore also suitable for cultivation in pots. They are of...

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Special: Tomatoes, Plants, Care, RecipesVegetable Garden

Can you eat tomatoes despite the end rot?

Tomatoes are one of the most popular vegetables and should not be missing in any hobby garden. Whether you prefer small cocktail tomatoes, large beefsteak tomatoes, traditional red or green, yellow or black varieties, the tomato harvest in late summer is eagerly awaited. If there are brown spots on the fruit, it is very likely that it is flower end rot. Can you still eat the tomatoes then?Symptoms of flower end rotBlossom end rot manifests itself in the tomato plants through the following sym...

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Special: Tomatoes, Plants, Care, RecipesVegetable Garden

When should you sow tomatoes? Pull tomatoes yourself

The tomato is the queen of the vegetable patch. She gets the sunniest spot, is watered, stingy, and protected from the "bad" rain. The tomato plant is constantly looked at and the degree of ripeness of its fruit is checked. Will she be able to produce lots of red, juicy tomatoes by autumn this time? In the end it says: If the tomato is good, the gardener is good too. Growth factors Moisture, light, warmth and time are the key elements when it comes to success or failure in sowing regardless ...

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Vegetables Vegetables For The Home GardenEgg Plant Care: Planting And WinteringVegetable Garden

Egg plant care: plant and hibernate

But they also taste very simply prepared, so simply cut into pieces and fried in the pan with a little salt, pepper and butter. In any case, it is worth trying out the cultivation of egg plants, because the productive plant is actually quite easy to care for:Planting egg plantsYou can use your Egg plants from seeds that you sow in March and prick out with a size of a few centimeters. Then the small eggplants can be placed one at a time in pots with nutrient-rich soil and grown in the greenhou...

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Vegetables Vegetables For The Home GardenVegetable Garden

12 good neighbors of cucumbers

The garden cucumber thrives in humus-rich and loose soil. It prefers a warm and humid climate and attaches importance to rapid soil warming in spring. Mixed cultures are recommended for improved crop yields.Vegetables and saladIdeal planting partners for Cucumis sativus are vegetables that do not compete with each other. The following crops do particularly well in a mixed culture because they come from different families. They ensure a varied harvest throughout the season.Kidney bean(Phaseolu...

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