Maintain Vegetable GardenGrowing Celery In The Vegetable Garden InstructionsVegetable Garden

Grow celery in the vegetable garden

If you want to grow celery in your vegetable garden, you don't need a green thumb or experience - the right knowledge of preparation and easy care is sufficient. With a few tips, growing the vegetables will be even easier and is especially suitable for beginners in plant care. The reward for the little effort is particularly fresh and aromatic celery, which is not only tasty as a raw vegetable.Variety choiceWith the right procedure, celery can be pulled from any celery stalk or celery. Howeve...

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Harvest And Store VegetablesVegetable Garden

The ideal harvest time for wild garlic: all the information

Hobby gardeners have a few weeks to harvest the wild garlic. Because after flowering, it is better not to pick the weeds. Read here why the flowering time heralds the end of the season and what to consider when harvesting!Harvest timeSpring not only attracts with warmer temperatures, because many plants are also beginning to sprout. The wild garlic season also falls in spring, although in some regions it begins as early as March. The exact start of the wild garlic season, however, depends on ...

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Create A Vegetable Garden DesignVegetable Garden

18 good neighbors of broccoli

A mixed culture with other vegetables can promote broccoli in its development. However, this presupposes that one chooses species that do not compete with one another, but rather benefit one another.What sets broccoli apartGrows similar to cauliflowerThe head consists of small deep green or blue-green floretsPrefers sunny locationsAs a heavy consumer, it needs deep, nutrient-rich soilWith a high lime contentHarvest as soon as the middle flower is well developedGood neighbors for a mixed cultu...

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Create A Vegetable Garden DesignVegetable Garden

Build your own raised bed out of stones: this is how it works

A raised bed made of stones looks particularly natural, is durable and can not only increase the yield, but also extend the harvest time. So the construction goes step by step.advantagesRaised beds are more than just a decorative element in the garden. They also have numerous advantages. These include, among others:earlier planting possiblelarge amounts of nutrients for a long timebigger yieldslonger harvest timepossible habitat for lizards and other animalsBack-friendly gardening possiblePro...

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Vegetable GardenVegetables Vegetable Species And Varieties

Can you eat beetroot raw!? Healthy or Dangerous?

They are the best-known and most widespread winter vegetable in this country - beetroot. The tubers can be used in a wide variety of ways in the kitchen. The range extends from the vegetable side dish to the salad to the soup. Beetroot is generally considered tasty and healthy. The prerequisite is, however, that they are cooked raw, they are not unproblematic for everyone.Winter vegetables and superfoodRecently, beetroot has been categorized as a superfood. This is of course not entirely wron...

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Vegetable GardenVegetables Vegetable Species And Varieties

Growing salsify: sowing, caring for and harvesting

According to the German Nutrition Society, black salsify is rich in minerals and low in calories. This makes it a healthy vegetable and can enrich the menu, especially in winter. If you want to enjoy them particularly fresh, you don't need a lot of space or a green thumb - because the plants are resilient and easy to care for. Only at the beginning of the cultivation of the garden salsify must be paid very close attention to a few conditions.LocationThe location should be sunny to partially s...

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Special: Rhubarb Is A Popular VegetableVegetable Garden

Peeling rhubarb: this is how to clean the vegetables properly

Rhubarb is widespread in this country. In the spring it is offered fresh in the supermarket or fruit and vegetable store. If it is grown in the garden, you will always have a few stalks harvested by the end of June. Rhubarb from Germany is a seasonal vegetable because the content of harmful oxalic acid in rhubarb increases over time over the course of the year. Since most of the acid is under the peel, rhubarb should be peeled. Peeling is very easy and you shouldn't do without the delicious s...

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Special: Potatoes, Potato AdviceVegetable Garden

Seed potatoes: old varieties + instructions for planting and growing yourself

Potatoes are rarely found in the supermarket or at weekly markets in a wide variety of shapes, colors and flavors. Above all, old potato varieties offer an unimagined amount of variety and, above all, interesting taste experiences. Buttery, creamy, nutty - in blue-violet or even with a stripe in the flesh, they are highlights on the plate. And surprisingly easy to grow yourself with the right knowledge.Old varietiesFor reasons of economy, the selection in the trade was limited to a few types ...

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Special: Rhubarb Is A Popular VegetableVegetable Garden

Boil down rhubarb: preserve without much effort

Mason jars, a saucepan and plenty of rhubarb - that's all you need to boil down the fruity-sour vegetables. Contrary to popular belief, from a botanical point of view, rhubarb is not a fruit, as it is not the fruit but the stems that are consumed. Regardless of this, the preservation of the rhubarb is very easy and quick and also offers numerous variations. Many tasty creations can be prepared from a basic recipe with just a few changes. Aids The following utensils are required to boil down ...

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Special: Rhubarb Is A Popular VegetableRhubarb Location: 4 Important CriteriaVegetable Garden

Rhubarb location: 4 important criteria

While vegetables are usually grown as an annual, rhubarb is a permanent crop. It becomes more powerful year after year and delivers ever higher yields, provided the location is right. Criteria for choosing a locationLighting conditionsrhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum) is, like asparagus and strawberries, a typical spring vegetable. Not only is it delicious, it is also very healthy thanks to its high vitamin C and fiber content. The ideal vegetable for a spring cure. The conditions at the respective...

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