This is where he feels most comfortable

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The right location in the room

  • Bright
  • warm
  • slightly sunny
  • little direct midday sun
  • protected from drafts

Windows that face east or west are ideal. In the case of south-facing windows, you should provide light shade during lunchtime. Otherwise the leaves can burn and the plant will dry out too quickly.

also read

  • The ideal temperature for the poinsettia
  • Mix the soil yourself for the poinsettia
  • The poinsettia and its heyday

He likes drafts Christmas star not at all. Put it in a sheltered place when you open the windows to ventilate.

Find a suitable location on the balcony

In summer the poinsettia likes to stand on the balcony relocate. The temperatures then have to be well above freezing point - even at night!

On the balcony, the poinsettia prefers a warm, partially shaded place where it is not drafty. Direct sunlight, especially at lunchtime, should be avoided as far as possible. Do not place the pot on a coaster. Then rainwater or excess irrigation water can run off better.

You can use a poinsettia in the garden in summer too

plant out. Here he also needs a partially shaded, sheltered place. Make sure that the substrate is permeable to water so that waterlogging does not form even in heavy downpours.


Poinsettias do not like too low a humidity. It is often found in such a location by fungus gnats and Spider mites infested. Raise the humidity by keeping open bowls filled with water nearby.