Pulling a lemon tree »Notes on planting & care

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Lemon tree is suitable for balconies, gardens and conservatories

In contrast to many other plants, a lemon tree can be sowing is quite uncomplicatedin order to grow into a pretty houseplant in most cases within a few weeks and months. This makes the lemon wonderfully suitable as a horticultural test object for children as well as for adults who do not yet have much experience in plant cultivation.

also read

  • Lemon tree only grows quickly in good conditions
  • What earth does the lemon tree like?
  • The lemon tree loves the sun

The procurement of the seeds

You can get the right seeds cheaply in every supermarket and discounter: Simply select a fresh, fully ripe lemon and take it home with you. It doesn't even have to be an organic lemon, just the fruit shouldn't have been irradiated - this treatment renders the seeds unable to germinate. Your local supermarket may even have labels the individual varietiesso that you can choose to. The fruits of the "four seasons lemon" (Lunario) and the Eureka lemon are often found in stores. In particular the "Eureka"

is quite sensitive to cold, but for that also rather weak with lots of fruits.

Plant a lemon stone

Also what else you can do for that Planting a lemon stone can be found in your supermarket. you need

  • a plant pot
  • Potting soil (can be bought in small bags)
  • as well as small pebbles

At the bottom of the plant pot, fill a layer of pebbles. These ensure that excess irrigation water is drained off quickly and waterlogging, which is deadly for the plant, is avoided. Fill the pot with potting soil and place the cleaned lemon kernel in it. It should not be covered more than an inch with earth. Pour the soil and put a clear plastic bag over the pot - this will help to develop a high level of humidity. The pot is placed in a moderately light but very warm location. The lemon kernel will germinate within a few weeks.

As soon as the first green peaks out of the earth, you should remove the plastic bag. From now on it gets a little more complicated, because as easy as it is to germinate a lemon kernel, the resulting lemon needs to be cared for with care. Need lemons

  • a very bright and sheltered location
  • lots of sun and warmth
  • need to be watered regularly
  • but not too much either
  • from an age of approx. 6 months of regular fertilizer
  • lots of space
  • in summer fresh air on the balcony or in the garden
  • a cool but in winter frost-free and bright place

Tips & Tricks

Of course, you can use your lemon tree too from a cutting pull, if there is one.

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