Climbing vegetables for the balcony: 12 varieties

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table of contents

  • Bitter melon (Momordica charantia)
  • Helmet Bean (Dolichos lablab)
  • Squirrel gourd (Cyclanthera pedata)
  • Caucasian spinach (Hablitzia tamnoides)
  • Climbing zucchini 'Black Forest' (Cucurbita pepo)
  • Malabar spinach (Basella alba)
  • Mexican mini cucumber (Melothria scabra)
  • Mini cucumber 'Picolino' (Cucumis sativus)
  • Paprika 'Pinokkio' (Capsicum annuum)
  • Runner bean 'Tenderstar' (Phaseolus coccineus)
  • Runner bean 'Guinness Record' (Phaseolus coccineus)
  • Snake cucumber 'Midios' (Cucumis sativus)
  • frequently asked Questions

Would you like to grow your own vegetables? You don't have your own garden, just a balcony? Don't give up your wish! We present 12 climbing vegetable varieties that take up little space.

In a nutshell

  • There is enough space for climbing vegetables even with a small footprint
  • climbing vegetables are also privacy screens
  • Harvesting and caring for balcony vegetables is possible without long distances
  • Different types of vegetables on the balcony form a mixed culture and can influence each other positively

Bitter melon (Momordica charantia)

The bitter melon is also known as balsam pear, goya cucumber or bitter jumping cucumber. The strange plant has been a popular food and medicine for centuries, especially in Asia.

Bitter melon
  • Preculture: March
  • Plant out: end of May
  • Direct sowing: from mid-April to May
  • Location: sunny, warm, sheltered from the wind
  • Care: keep moist
  • Harvest: July to October
  • Fruits: similar to cucumber, yellow-white skin, red pulp, piquant-bitter taste
  • Height: 2 meters
  • Characteristic: annual, all parts of the plant are edible, flowers smell of vanilla

Note: The fruits of the bitter cucumber are harvested unripe. The light yellow color develops with storage.

Helmet Bean (Dolichos lablab)

The climbing bean is also known as the papilla bean, Egyptian bean or hyacinth bean. The purple flowers are a real splendor!

Helm bean
  • Preculture: March to April
  • Plant out: from the end of May
  • No-till: end of April
  • Location: sunny, nutrient-rich, well-drained soil
  • Care: water regularly, avoid waterlogging
  • Harvest: from July
  • Fruits: dark purple fruits
  • Height: up to 3 meters
  • Characteristic: annual, beans and leaves cooked for consumption

Squirrel gourd (Cyclanthera pedata)

The squirrel gourd is an enchanting climber. The mini pumpkins taste raw like cucumber or cooked like asparagus.

Squirrel squash, the somewhat different climbing vegetable
  • Preculture: from April
  • Plant out: from May
  • No-till: May to June
  • Location: warm, partially shaded, well-drained soil
  • Care: water and fertilize regularly
  • Harvest: July to October
  • Fruits: yellow-green, up to 10 centimeters long
  • Height: up to 2 meters
  • Characteristic: annual, regular harvest increases the yield

By the way, balcony gardens are great for children. You can directly observe the growth of the climbing vegetable plants.

Caucasian spinach (Hablitzia tamnoides)

Caucasian spinach is an ideal balcony vegetable. The perennial plant retreats into the ground in autumn. Budding begins as early as February.

Caucasian spinach is a climbing vegetable
Source: Hablitzia_tamnoides # / media / File: Hablitzia_tamnoides _-_ Copenhagen_Botanical_Garden _-_ DSC07677.JPG
  • Preculture: from March
  • Plant out: from the end of April
  • No-till: from April
  • Location: partially shaded, well drained soil
  • Care: water regularly, avoid waterlogging
  • Harvest: from May
  • Fruits: tender spinach leaves
  • Height: up to 2 meters
  • Characteristic: perennial, very productive

Tip: In England, preference is given to bleached spinach leaves, which are enjoyed like asparagus. For bleaching, you can put a bucket over the plant in March and harvest the shoots when they are four inches long.

Climbing zucchini 'Black Forest' (Cucurbita pepo)

Zucchini usually take up a lot of space. The 'Black Forest' variety is an exception. The plant climbs on trellises and produces more than 20 tasty fruits.

Climbing zucchini " Black Forest"
  • Preculture: from March
  • Plant out: from the end of May
  • No-till: from mid-May
  • Location: sunny to partially shaded, well drained soil
  • Care: water and fertilize regularly
  • Harvest: July to October
  • Fruits: green, 10 to 20 centimeters long
  • Height: up to 1.50 meters
  • Characteristic: annual, edible flowers and tasty fruits

Malabar spinach (Basella alba)

Malabar spinach surprises with dark red stems, dark green leaves and pink flowers. The climbing vegetables feel good in the bucket or in a traffic light on the balcony.

Malabar spinach, an exotic climbing vegetable
  • Preculture: from March
  • Plant out: from the end of May
  • No-till: from April
  • Location: sunny, nutrient-rich soil
  • Care: water regularly, avoid waterlogging
  • Harvest: from May
  • Fruits: thick-fleshed leaves, can be eaten raw or cooked, rich in minerals
  • Height: up to 2 meters
  • Characteristic: perennial, very productive

Tip: Soak the seeds of the Malabar spinach in water for 24 hours before sowing.

Mexican mini cucumber (Melothria scabra)

If you want to set up a balcony garden, you should provide a place for the Mexican mini cucumber. You can watch the plant grow. The three-meter-long tendrils with the many small snack cucumbers look like garlands.

Mexican mini cucumber, the climbing vegetable is perfect for growing on balconies
  • Preculture: from mid-March
  • Plant out: end of May
  • No-till: from mid-May
  • Location: sunny, warm, sheltered from the wind
  • Care: keep moist
  • Harvest: September to October
  • Fruits: 3 centimeters tall, resemble small watermelons, slightly tart
  • Height: 1 to 1.5 meters
  • Characteristic: annual, very productive

Mini cucumber 'Picolino' (Cucumis sativus)

The mini cucumber 'Piccolino' is perfect for low-calorie snacks. Guide the climbing vegetables upwards with strings or grids.

" Picolino" mini cucumber is a suitable climbing vegetable for the balcony
  • Preculture: April to May
  • Plant out: end of May
  • No-till: May to June
  • Location: sunny, warm, sheltered from the wind
  • Soil: loose, humus, rich in nutrients, moist
  • Harvest: July to September
  • Fruits: 12 to 13 centimeters long, dark green, slightly grooved, tasty, bitter-free
  • Height: 2 meters
  • Characteristics: annual, resistant to powdery mildew, cucumber scabies, leaf mosaic virus

Paprika 'Pinokkio' (Capsicum annuum)

Enjoy the party snack directly from the balcony. The mildly aromatic fruits also taste good to children. The plants are only one to two meters high and are ideally suited for container culture.

" Pinokkio" pepper
  • Preculture: February to April
  • Plant out: end of May
  • Direct sowing: from May
  • Location: sunny, warm, sheltered from the wind
  • Care: fertilize and water regularly
  • Harvest: August to October
  • Fruits: orange-red fruits,
  • Height: 0.50 to 1 meter
  • Characteristics: annual, healthy, robust variety, resistant to the tomato mosaic virus

Runner bean 'Tenderstar' (Phaseolus coccineus)

One Runner bean or fire bean is ideal for the balcony. It impresses with magnificent flowers and tasty beans.

Runner bean " Tenderstar"
  • Preculture: from April
  • Plant out: from May
  • No-till: May to June
  • Location: sunny
  • Care: water regularly, fertilize little
  • Harvest: July to October
  • Fruits: green, 20 centimeters long, stringless
  • Height: up to 2 meters
  • Characteristic: annual, decorative two-tone flowers in light pink and red

Runner bean 'Guinness Record' (Phaseolus coccineus)

For bean lovers, the Guinness Record variety is a good choice. The pods of the flavor-intensive runner bean reach a length of up to 50 centimeters.

Runner bean " Guiness Record"
  • Preculture: from April
  • Plant out: end of May
  • No-till: May to June with foil cover
  • Location: sunny, sheltered
  • Care: water regularly, fertilize little
  • Harvest: July to October
  • Fruits: up to 50 centimeters long
  • Height: 2 to 3 meters
  • Characteristic: annual, very productive, attractive red flowers, bee food plant

Snake cucumber 'Midios' (Cucumis sativus)

The 'Midios' variety belongs to the midi snake cucumber. It does not require much maintenance and has a surprisingly high yield.

Snake cucumber
  • Preculture: from March
  • Plant out: end of May
  • No-till: April to May
  • Location: sunny, warm, sheltered from the wind
  • Soil: loose, humic, moist
  • Harvest: June to September
  • Fruits: 20 to 25 centimeters long, dark green, tasty, bitter-free
  • Characteristic: annual, powdery mildew resistant

frequently asked Questions

Which climbing aids are suitable for climbing vegetable plants?

Bars, grids, ropes or cords can be used as climbing aids. When choosing the climbing aids, consider the weight of the fruit.

Can grow bags be used as planters for climbing vegetables?

Plant sacks, so-called grow bags, are ideal for the balcony garden. These are already filled with potting soil, so all you have to do is decide on a vegetable. You can use the grow bags directly after purchase or design them with a nice cover.

Which planters are suitable for climbing vegetables on the balcony?

For the balcony garden there are buckets and window boxes with and without water storage to choose from. You can also use old unused vessels such as old wine barrels. Even worn out hiking boots look rustic as a planter!
Pay attention to the size of the planters. The root balls need sufficient space for good development.
Drain holes in the planters are important. Place potsherds on the holes before filling with potting soil.

Can climbing vegetables and balcony flowers be combined?

That's a good idea! Balcony flowers attract bees and bumblebees, which ensure the pollination of the vegetable plants.

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