Zucchini: cut leaves or not?

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Cut off the zucchini leaves

table of contents

  • Meaning of the leaves
  • Cut off if there is not enough space
  • Cutting off leaves: other reasons
  • Case of illness
  • Pest infestation
  • Leaf consumption
  • frequently asked Questions

The zucchini (Cucurbita pepo subsp. pepo convar. giromontiina) has relatively large leaves and is a sturdy, growing type of pumpkin. The expert explains how important the zucchini leaves are and how and when it is better to cut them.

In a nutshell

  • Zucchini leaves have important functions
  • only cut if absolutely necessary
  • especially with diseases and pests
  • never tear off all the leaves

Meaning of the leaves

Without the foliage, the zucchini dies because they become essential for life photosynthesis needed, from which the plant draws a large part of its energy. With each leaf removed, the conversion of chlorophyll into chemical energy is reduced. Less fruit growth, stunted zucchinis and, in the worst case, the plant can die.

Furthermore, the large leaves serve as Shade provider. They ensure that the soil does not burn from the hot sun and that it dries out quickly because less water evaporates. Thus the foliage also has a protective function. So you should think carefully about whether you really want to cut off the leaves of the zucchini.

Cut off if there is not enough space

Basically there is nothing wrong with occasionally cutting off one or two sheets of paper. Often, self-growers do not consider sending their zucchinis to you Location to plant, which offers enough space in all directions. Then it quickly happens that the large leaves cover neighboring plants and thus damage them. If there are only one or two leaves, the zucchinis will be fine with it, provided the plants are strong enough.

Yellow leaves on zucchini
If zucchini forms yellow leaves, you should react immediately.

Nevertheless, it should be taken into account that the plant receives less energy and that too yellow leaf discoloration can form. These are also to be cut off. Ideally, you should therefore consider whether transplanting the neighboring plants is the better option in order to avoid any risk.

Cutting off leaves: other reasons

There are good reasons why it is inevitable to cut the zucchini leaves. These include the following:

Case of illness

Zucchinis are prone to fungal attack, which can show up as powdery mildew and downy mildew. In both variants, the fungus spreads quickly. If it is recognized quickly, you should tackle the fight quickly. If the infestation and thus also the damage is at an advanced stage with rolled-up leaf edges, you have no choice but to cut off the affected leaves. Otherwise the fruit formation will be massively disturbed.

Treat powdery mildew on zucchini
Treat powdery mildew on zucchini

To the Treating powdery mildew proceed as follows:

  • Mix whole or raw milk with water (ratio 1: 8)
  • Fill into the spray container
  • Spray the plant until dripping wet (especially leaf surfaces and undersides)
  • Frequency of use: every two days
  • Duration of treatment: two weeks

Tip: Never dispose of the fallen leaves on the compost heap. The fungus spreads easily from there. Fungal plant parts always belong in the household waste or in the organic bin.

Pest infestation

Aphids (Aphidoidea) are zucchini's greatest enemies. An infestation can be recognized by the tiny pests that often collect in colonies on the stems and leave yellow suction marks on leaves. Curled leaf margins are typical of an infestation. If they have already settled en masse on the foliage, the quickest and most effective solution is to cut them off. In parallel, you should fight surviving specimens with a baking soda solution.

Fight aphids on zucchini
A baking soda-water mixture for combating aphids on zucchini is very easy to make.

That's how it's done:

  • Add tablespoon of baking powder to 100 milliliters of water and mix
  • Fill into the spray container
  • Spray the plant completely dripping wet
  • Frequency of use: daily
  • Duration of treatment: one week
  • then hose down the plant to remove baking soda residues from leaves (for intact photosynthesis) 

Leaf consumption

The leaves of the zucchini are edible. If it is needed for consumption, nothing should stand in the way of cutting off the zucchini leaves. You should only pay attention to a small amount and limit yourself to young leafy green. This is the most aromatic anyway.

Tip: Zucchini leaves are best cut off just above the roots of the stems. This is where the risk of infection in connection with a “clean” interface is lowest.

Choose the right cutting tool

If you want to cut the leaves of the zucchini, you should always use a disinfected and sharp cutting tool. Disinfection is advisable in order to eliminate any bacteria, viruses or germs that may adhere to it. Sharpness is important so that a smooth cut is achieved and no plucking or pulling is required. This could cause roots to loosen or break off.

frequently asked Questions

Can I also tie up courgette leaves if I don't have enough space?

No, you shouldn't do that. The binding has a negative effect on ventilation. This in turn increases the risk of fungal disease and, consequently, of the harvest. Cutting off offers the better solution here.

Is a zucchini cut back for winter storage?

As a rule, zucchinis are only grown as an annual. There is no need to cut back.

Can the flowers be cut off?

Yes, that even provides more energy that a zucchini can put into fruiting. Here you cut off directly under the petals above the thickening. The fruit will later develop from this thickening. By the way, the flowers of a zucchini are edible.