Fight & drive away flies: 3 simple tips

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Flying can be really annoying. We have summarized for you here how best to fight and drive them away.

Flies sit on food
In the house, flies are not welcome guests [Photo: Chaikom/]
Of course, the easiest way is not to let the flies into your home in the first place. This can be done, for example, by attaching fly screens to the windows. This allows you to ventilate undisturbed and you don't have to worry about flies or other insects finding their way inside. Especially if you like to sleep with the window open, it makes sense to attach such a net or grid to protect yourself from insects.


  • Fight and drive away flies
    • Tip 1: Cleanliness in the living room to avoid flies
    • Tip 2: Rely on plant power
    • Tip 3: Buy fly traps

Fight and drive away flies

Despite many efforts, it is often unavoidable that flies find their way into our houses or apartments. Especially at night, a whirring fly can get on your nerves. Therefore, here are a few general recommendations for fly control.

Tip 1: Cleanliness in the living room to avoid flies

Flies like to keep away from rotting fruit, fermenting food or simply leftovers and crumbs feed, it is actually clear what you can do preventively against these insects - namely clean. Avoid leaving dirty dishes lying around for long periods of time, always cover food and remove leftovers immediately so that the flies cannot find food in the first place. Of course, cleaning alone will not protect you from flies, because flies can be seen from time to time even in sparkling clean apartments.

Tip 2: Rely on plant power

There are actually plants that repel flies through their smell. Many herbs are included, but some ornamental plants can also be a real help to drive away annoying flies. which Plants for repelling flies contribute in a natural way, we have summarized in a special article.

Catnip in the garden
Catnip gives off a refreshing smell and keeps pesky flies away [Photo: Katarzyna Mazurowska/]

Tip 3: Buy fly traps

If natural protection methods no longer help, then often only fly traps or similar products can be used to combat them. There are countless products on the market - for example sprays, sticky traps or simple fly swatters. Sprays usually have a strong effect, because after only a short time you will find tons of dead flies on the ground. However, these chemical agents are extremely irritating and sometimes even harmful to our health, which is why we strongly advise against them. Sticky traps work relatively well, but usually look very unappetizing after a while. Of course you can also use the fly swatter, but you'll waste a lot of time chasing the nimble insects. To increase the hit rate, you can rely on electric fly swatters. These use a battery to build up a small voltage that kills the fly as soon as it gets close.

Frequently not only flies but also mosquitoes are real pests. We provide you with the best Plants to repel mosquitoes in front.

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