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How to fight grass fleas and relieve itching?

Grass fleas, also known as fall grass mites, are small parasites that cause itching and skin irritation in humans and pets. To combat grass fleas, keep the lawn short, water regularly and avoid walking barefoot in the garden. For bites, 70% alcohol, ice pads, sliced ​​onions, and anti-itch ointments will help relieve it.

  • Grass fleas are 1-2 mm small, red mites on the lawn with extremely biting, orange-red larvae, 0.2-0.3 mm small.
  • Grass mite larvae bites are not painful, but cause excruciating itching and red bumps on the skin of humans and pets.
  • The best remedies against grass flea bites are 70 percent alcohol, cold (ice pad), onion slices and ointments to relieve itching.

What are grass fleas? – Characteristics, occurrence, way of life

The term grass fleas is misleading because the parasites are not related to fleas. In fact, these are mites from the class of arachnids, as can be read at the beginning of the article on grass fleas on Wikipedia. The real nuisances aren't the adult eight-legged ones grass mites, but their six-legged larvae. The following profile lists the facts and provides information on occurrence and way of life:

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  • grass mite bites
  • grass mite home remedies
  • grass pests
  • combat grass mites
  • grass-mites-in-winter
  • grass mites spring
  • grass-mites-in-the-apartment
  • prevent grass mites
More articles
Characteristics grass mites mite larvae
Size 1-2mm 0.2-0.3mm
Color red orange-red to pale yellow
number of legs 8 6
Happen Lawn, meadow, soil Blades of grass, human and animal skin
food insects, insect eggs cell fluid (not blood)
status insectivore parasites
botanical name Neotrombicula autumnalis
German names Autumn grass mite, autumn mite, harvest mite
trivial names Grass fleas, grass lice
Family running mites
Class arachnids

The following sections explain in-depth information on the fatal lifestyle of autumn grass mites.

Development cycle from egg to larva

In spring, mated female mites lay their eggs in the ground on green areas with low vegetation. Within four weeks, flocks of orange-red mite larvae hatch. These larvae are absolutely dependent on mammalian and bird cell juices for liquid food. Nutrients contained therein are required for subsequent further development into nymphs and adult Neotrombicula autumnalis. If the mite larvae are unable to obtain this food, they die within a few days.

Infestation of two- and four-legged hosts

grass fleas

Grass mites tend to affect cats and dogs

Mite larvae that hatched in June and July eagerly climb up the blades of grass and patiently wait for a passing host. The larvae do not actively run towards a suitable victim. For this reason, grass fleas are extremely rare guests in the apartment without the slightest chance of survival. Gardens and parks with low vegetation such as lawns, meadows or moss areas are preferred infested areas. Potential hosts are:

  • people (false host)
  • dogs
  • cats
  • mice
  • Rabbits
  • moles
  • birds

The autumn grass mites cleverly switch to their host. The larvae run nimbly over the skin in search of a suitable tapping point. With their powerful mouthparts, grass mite larvae bite into the top layers of skin, release a dissolving secretion and suck on the cell fluid. In humans, the sucking time is four to eight hours. In the case of four-legged and winged hosts, the procedure extends over several days. However, the parasites cannot reach local blood vessels with their tiny jaws. Therefore, grass mites do not suck blood, such as ticks or fleas.

When grass mites have consumed enough cell juices, they fall to the ground. In the upper layers of the soil, after a dormant stage, the larvae turn into nymphs and then into adult grass mites within four to six weeks. Now autumn grass mites are no longer parasites, but feed on other mites, insect eggs and plant matter.

How to recognize grass flea bites?

grass fleas

If you don't scratch, grass fleas only leave small, red spots

Grass mites are much too small to catch the beasts in the act. Fatally, the burning itch only sets in when the mite larvae, which have eaten their fill, have long since disappeared. The excruciating itching is probably caused by the saliva secretion that an autumn grass mite injects into the skin when it bites. The intensity and duration of the itchy ordeal gives an important indication that it cannot be mosquito bites. Grass flea bites can be recognized by the following visual indications:

  • Densely packed reddish nodules in early stage (4-36 hours after bites)
  • Red spots lasting 3 to 7 days
  • Red, swollen wheals as a result of uncontrolled scratching

Preferred places for grass flea bites are the edges of tight-fitting clothing, skin folds, thin areas of skin such as armpits, ankles or the back of the knees. Grass mite bites in the head area are often complained about in small children. Violent scratching causes a significant scab to form on these sensitive skin areas, which causes additional torment for the children.

Grass flea bites on the skin - what to do?

Immediate measure against grass flea bites is to quickly stop the unbearable itching. For most grass mite victims, however, an irresistible urge to scratch triumphs over self-control. For this reason, the next step is to take effective precautions against impending threats Secondary infections on scratched wheals, such as allergic reactions, inflammation or streptococcal infections. How to do it right:

Soothe itching:

grass fleas

Cooling relieves itching and swelling

  • Soak a cotton pad in 70% alcohol and dab itchy skin
  • Place ice pads from the freezer or ice cubes on the wheals, replace repeatedly
  • Slice the onion and place it on the pesky papules

Once the acute pain has been alleviated, keep the urge to scratch under control with antipruritic ointments from the pharmacy. Fenistil or Soventol are available without a prescription. The anti-itch spray from Eucerin has been attested to be the most effective.

In the case of secondary infections, see a doctor

Did you get the urge to scratch before alcohol or cold stopped the itching? Then check the bite wounds every one to two hours. If you register severe swelling or foci of inflammation form, please consult your family doctor. Furthermore, medical help is required if home remedies do not reduce the itching to a tolerable level. Prescription drugs, such as cortisone, relieve you of the unbearable itching. Antibiotics prevent serious health consequences of a secondary infection.

Can Grass Fleas Infest Pets?

Grass mites are not picky about their host. If a pet comes along, the starving parasites sharpen their forks and knives in anticipation. Dogs and cats are primarily affected on the lawn. The following sections summarize where the brazen mite larvae tend to bite down and how you can help your tormented loved ones:

Grass fleas infest dogs

grass fleas

Grass fleas gather in groups on a dog

Constant scratching, licking and nibbling on the paws signal that your dog is suffering from severe itching. If you take a closer look, you will see a reddish crust on the skin, consisting of countless living mite larvae. In contrast to humans, grass mites congregate on a dog to form island-like infestation sites where the tormentors suckle for up to six days. Check these body regions in particular for the annoying parasites on your four-legged friend:

  • spaces between the paws
  • abdomen and chest
  • eyes and nose
  • thigh bends

A long bath with an anti-parasite shampoo from the pharmacy promises immediate relief. Then dab the red pustules and scabs with high-proof alcohol or ointments to relieve itching. If you do not notice any improvement, please consult your trusted veterinarian.

Grass fleas infest cat

If the cat constantly cleans itself and licks between spread paws, grass mites are often behind it. Most of the time, your house cat catches the stubborn parasites on its foray through the garden. Examine the following areas of the body for reddish pustules and scabbing:

  • insides of ears
  • tail tip
  • Paw Spaces

In contrast to the dog, the cat will forever resent an immediate treatment for grass mites in the bathtub. Areas of skin dabbed with alcohol are immediately licked off indignantly. Based on this experience, we recommend that a cat suspected of having mite larvae infestation be taken to the veterinarian.

grass fleas

Cats should be taken to the vet if mites are suspected


Grass mites do not transmit diseases

Biting mite larvae have no dangerous pathogens on board. In this respect, grass mites differ from blood-sucking ticks as carriers of Lyme disease and tick-borne encephalitis. However, grass flea bites should not be taken lightly. The designations autumn mite or hay mite for Neotrombicula autumnalis refers to the fact that sucking larvae Farmers can trigger the dreaded skin disease trombidiosis, also known as fall itch, during the hay harvest harvest dross.

Fighting grass fleas - what are the means?

Combating heat-loving grass mites is still in its infancy in Germany. Only in the course of progressive global warming do the parasites gradually spread from south to north. So far, no effective agents are known that specifically combat autumn grass mites and larvae. Commercially available combination agents are primarily effective against ticks and only secondarily against grass fleas. These are biocides that turn green areas in the garden into chemically mined areas for small children's feet, bare adult feet, delicate paws and sensitive paws anyway.

Troubled hobby gardeners report the first successes in combating grass mites through the use of neem oil. Apparently grass fleas hate the smell and flee. However, the expensive organic agent would have to be sprayed daily onto infested areas, which is an unaffordable investment on a large lawn.

The Gartenjournal team stays on the ball for you and will inform you promptly when an effective and affordable organic agent for combating grass mites is available. Until then, you can buy the cutting edge off the mite larvae, which happily bite, with consistent preventive measures.

Prevent grass fleas - how does it work?

grass fleas

Good lawn care keeps grass fleas away

Once grass fleas have nested in the garden, the annoying arachnids are very difficult to get rid of. By preventing the rabble from staying on the lawn, you avoid a confrontation with the aggressive mite larvae. The following tips sum up how you can successfully prevent autumn grass mites and reduce the level of suffering in the event of an acute infestation:

  • sprinkling: Regularly sprinkle green areas in the garden with the lawn sprinkler
  • Keep lawn short: Mow the lawn at least twice a week
  • scarify: mossy in spring, summer and autumn scarify the lawn
  • Prevent Grass Flea Bites: do not walk barefoot, gardening do early in the morning with rubber boots
  • have a shower: shower promptly after gardening
  • wash clothes: Wash pants, stockings, tops and underwear in the washing machine (hand washing is not enough)

It is important to note the disposal of clippings from the garden in the bio bin. Grass fleas are tough and spread again from the compost in the garden.

In the following video, Frank Uwe Pfuhl from NABU Germany gives valuable tips against annoying grass fleas in the garden.


Grass fleas in the home are not a cause for concern. Humans are false hosts for the autumn mite. If the mite larvae suck on human skin, the parasites inevitably die. If grass fleas infest dogs or cats, the pests are also doomed. Indoors, there are no opportunities for the larvae to turn into nymphs and adult grass mites like they do outdoors in the garden.

frequently asked Questions

Are grass fleas contagious?

No, grass fleas are not contagious and do not transmit diseases. The biting mite larvae can be stripped off blades of grass and remain on their host until they have eaten their fill of the cell fluid. For this reason there is no reason to fear that grass fleas will pass from the dog to its owner, for example as part of grooming.

Why is there no article on the subject of grass fleas on Wikipedia?

You look in vain for a grass flea wiki on the Internet because it is a misnomer. In fact, they are grass mites with the scientific name Neotrombicula autumnalis from the arachnid class. You can read detailed information on Wikipedia if you enter search terms such as grass mites, autumn grass mite, autumn mite or hay mite.

What is the best protection against grass flea bites in the garden?

The best protection against grass flea bites is to consistently avoid walking barefoot in the garden. The mischievous grass flea larvae lurk in low vegetation and on the tips of grass stalks for a host. If you wear knee-high rubber boots when mowing the lawn or pulling weeds, you cannot accidentally wipe off the parasites. Furthermore, it has worked well in practice if you wear loose clothing and shower immediately after spending time in the garden.

Can you fight grass mites on the lawn with calcium cyanamide fertilizer?

Calcium cyanamide is a purely chemical artificial fertilizer with a high proportion of toxic cyanamide and is one of the most dangerous pesticides of all. Contact with moist skin or mucous membranes sets off a highly caustic, harmful chain reaction. Fertilize If you use calcium cyanamide on the lawn, you not only fight grass mites, but destroy almost the entire population of soil organisms.

Do grass fleas bite at any time of the year?

No, annoying grass flea bites are to be expected in summer. The parasitic mite larvae usually hatch in June and are active until August/September. If the weather is warm enough, the infestation pressure extends into October. The harmless nymphs and adult autumn grass mites then crawl into the ground to spend the winter there.


Do you suspect that tiny grass mites have infested your garden? Then use a simple trick to track down the biting parasites. At lunchtime, place a large, white piece of paper (50cm x 50cm) on the lawn. In an emergency, flocks of red-orange arachnids will soon be crawling around on the white background.

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