Poisonous plants in the garden: 60 plants from A-Z that are poisonous for humans

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table of contents

  • 60 poisonous plants for the garden
  • Plants from A - D
  • Plants from E - F
  • Plants with G
  • Plants with H
  • Plants from K - L
  • Plants from M - P
  • Plants from R - S
  • Plants from T - Z
  • First aid in case of poisoning
  • Contact experts
  • Self-measures
  • List of poison centers
  • Germany
  • Poison information centers in Austria and Switzerland

Poisonous plants are not only found in the wild, but more often in your own garden than many people think. Plants that are poisonous exert a special fascination on gardeners, walkers and the joy of plants through their colors, the flowers, their growth form or their smell. However, there are more plants whose contact can even be fatal. For this reason, it is important to know which plants in the garden are poisonous and which measures are important in the event of poisoning.

60 poisonous plants for the garden

Many plants are poisonous. Classics like the foxglove and laburnum are known, but what about tulips or the popular thuja? Numerous plants are poisonous for humans in particular and, depending on their toxicity, can lead to death within a short time. Because especially children and sensitive people are exposed to toxins. Nevertheless, poisonous plants in the garden provide that certain something. The following list gives you an overview of 60 poisonous plants that are poisonous to humans. You can even come across many of these in the wild:

Plants from A - D

1. bracken (bot. Pteridium aquilinum): The bracken hides its toxicity behind its good appearance. However, long-term consumption of the plant can lead to cancer.

Bracken, Pteridium aquilinum

2. Adonis (bot. Adonis vernalis): The Adonis rose is an attractive flower whose steroid glycosides lead to cardiac arrhythmias and gastrointestinal complaints.

Adonis flower, Adonis vernalis

3. Cyclamen (bot. Cyclamen): Yes, the cyclamen is also one of them and causes numerous symptoms of poisoning due to the cyclamine it contains. This is found in the largest amount in the roots and the tuber. Possible consequences of consumption are diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, cramps and symptoms of paralysis.

Cyclamen - cyclamen

4. Arum (bot. Arum): Because of their appearance, arum sticks are welcome guests in your own garden. However, the plants should never be eaten or touched without gloves, as the oxalate crystals they contain are intensely irritating to the skin and gastrointestinal tract.

Arum, Arum

5. Broom (bot. Cytisus scoparius): Yellow flowers especially tempt children to play with the broom. However, this can lead to restlessness, cold sweats and paralysis.

Common broom, Cytisus scoparius

6. Wisteria (bot. Wisteria): Wisteria are just as inspiring as laburnum and also poisonous. Circulatory problems and stomach problems are typical complaints.

Wisteria, Wisteria

7. Christmas rose (bot. Helleborus niger): Known as snow rose or Christmas rose, the toxicity of this plant is only weak. If large amounts of plant parts are consumed, diarrhea, malaise or vomiting can occur.

Christmas rose - Schneerose - Helleborus niger

8. Dieffenbachia (bot. Dieffenbachia): In Dieffenbachia there are calcium oxalate crystals that attack the skin and the digestive tract. Gloves are among the best measures you can take against this.

Dieffenbachia, Dieffenbachia

Plants from E - F

9. yew (bot. Taxus baccata): Yew trees can reach heights of up to ten meters and are among those plants whose toxicity is not in the conspicuous berries. Actually, these are not berries, but seed coats that cover the extremely poisonous seeds. In addition to the needles, these are poisonous and, depending on the amount consumed, can lead to severe cardiac arrhythmias that must not be ignored.

Yew, Taxus baccata with yew fruit

10. One berry (bot. Paris quadrifolia): The oneberry is a Germer plant that develops dark blue fruits. These attack the nervous system and the kidneys, which inevitably leads to death.

One berry, Paris quadrifolia

11. Monkshood (bot. Aconitum napellus): The monkshood is one of the classics among the poisonous plants in Germany. Because the buttercup plant can be dangerous on contact and life-threatening if parts are swallowed.

Blue monkshood, Aconitum napellus
Blue monkshood, Aconitum napellus

12. Angel trumpets (bot. Brugmansia): Brugmansia is a common plant because it causes feelings of happiness and hallucinations due to its poisonous fumes. Then respiratory paralysis follows and death occurs.

Angel's Trumpet, Brugmansia

13. Buckthorn (bot. Frangula alnus): The buckthorn is mainly found in the unripe fruits, the bark and the leaves, which can cause complaints of the gastrointestinal tract.

Buckthorn, Frangula alnus

14. thimble (bot. Digitalis): The name of the foxglove is similar to the monkshood, but it is not as poisonous. Because it causes unpleasant gastrointestinal problems and cardiac arrhythmias due to the digitoxin it contains.

Thimble, digitalis

Plants with G

15. Kidney bean (bot. Phaseolus vulgaris): French beans are poisonous. However, only if parts of the plant are consumed raw, because the lectins they contain lead to cramps and shocks.

Common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris

16. Spotted hemlock (bot. Conium maculatum): It was used as a means of poisoning executions. Even a few quantities of the unripe fruit containing coniin lead to death after a short time.

Spotted hemlock, Conium maculatum

17. Common ivy (bot. Hedera helix): It is more poisonous than you think. The saponins react on the skin and stomach.

Common ivy, Hedera helix

18. Common nugget (bot. Strychnos nux-vomica): Consumption is not recommended. The contained alkaloids affect the central nervous system with muscle twitching, respiratory paralysis and death, as soon as action is not taken quickly enough.

Common refractory nut, Strychnos nux-vomica

19. Common boxwood (bot. Buxus sempervirens): It looks harmless, but it is not. Depending on the amount of plant parts consumed, the state of health and age of the person, either vomiting or even death occurs.

Common boxwood, Buxus sempervirens

20. Common honeysuckle (bot. Lonicera xylosteum): Honeysuckles look very similar to the edible cherries, they are only slightly lighter. Vomiting and stomach upset occur after consumption.

Common honeysuckle, Lonicera xylosteum

21. Common privet (bot. Ligustrum vulgare): Even touching sensitive people is enough to cause skin irritation. While consumption leads to stomach and circulatory problems.

Common privet, Ligustrum vulgare

22. Common snowberry (bot. Symphoricarpos albus): Snowberries are popular plants whose flowers contain poisonous saponins. When consumed, these lead to nausea, headache, fever and persistent sleepiness.

Common snowberry, Symphoricarpos albus

23. Poison berry (bot. Nicandra physaloides): Your name sounds like trouble. However, the pretty flowers only affect the digestive tract.

Poison berry, Nicandra physaloides

24. Gold lacquer (bot. Erysimum cheiri): The beautiful flowers in their warm colors inspire, but the cardenolides they contain irritate the skin and lead to cardiac arrhythmias after consumption.

Gold lacquer, Erysimum cheiri

25. Laburnum (bot. Laburnum): With beautiful inflorescences that hang down golden yellow, it magically attracts people. They can be touched, but hands should be washed afterwards, as toxins enter the body through the skin and cause tremors and convulsions.

Laburnum anagyroides

Plants with H

26. Buttercup (bot. Ranunculus sceleratus): The buttercup is quite aggressive and immediately causes blistering and digestive tract problems due to the ingredient protoanemonin.

Poison buttercup, Ranunculus sceleratus

27. Dogwood (bot. Cornus alba): The dogwood is another poisonous plant that only causes slight stomach problems after consumption.

Dogwood, Cornus alba

28. Autumn crocus (bot. Colchicum autumnale): The autumn crocus are known for their poisonous effect, which can result from consumption and even contact with the tuber. If parts of the plant have been eaten, severe stomach problems and progressive respiratory paralysis occur after a few hours, which can lead to death. Quick action is required here.

Autumn crocus, Colchicum autumnale

29. elder (bot. Sambucus): Elderberry is mainly poisonous in the bark and pulp, which lead to nausea. The fruits should be cooked before use.

Elderberry, sambucus

30. Hydrangeas (bot. Hydrangea): As beautiful as hydrangeas are, the more the plants should be enjoyed with caution. They can lead to anxiety and dizziness, as well as states of intoxication.

Hydrangeas, hydrangea

31. Dog parsley (bot. Aethusa cynapium): The dog parsley is rarely grown in the garden and leads to severe respiratory paralysis and death even in small quantities.

Dog parsley, Aethusa cynapium

32. hyacinth (bot. Hyacinthus): The popular hyacinths contain oxalic acid in the tuber, which can permanently lead to kidney stones and, after consumption, directly to nausea.

Hyacinth, Hyacinthus

Plants from K - L

33. Imperial Crown (bot. Fritillaria imperialis): Despite the striking flowers, the poisonous effect of the plants remains very low and is limited to skin irritations and stomach complaints. Most of the poison is in the extremely large onion.

Imperial crown, Fritillaria imperialis

34. Pokeweed (bot. Phytolacca): Pokeweed does not come from Europe, but is found as a neophyte that is increasingly being grown in one's own garden. All parts of the plant are poisonous and children in particular can die from eating the berries.

Pokeweed Phytolacca

35. Buckthorn (bot. Rhamnus cathartica): The buckthorn contains anthracene offshoots, which rarely lead to digestive tract complaints, especially in children.

Buckthorn, Rhamnus catharticus
Buckthorn, Rhamnus catharticus

36. Crocuses (bot. Crocus): Crocuses are also one of the poisonous harbingers of spring, the tuber of which contains high amounts of steroid saponins. Children especially suffer from these conditions and dizziness, delirium, convulsions and loss of consciousness can occur

Crocus, crocus

37. Chinese lantern flower (bot. Physalis alkekengi): Caution! Do not confuse this plant with the Cape gooseberry (bot. Physalis peruviana), which is cultivated for its fruits. The lantern flower is a poisonous plant whose unripe fruits and plant parts should not be consumed.

Chinese lantern flower, Physalis alkekengi

38. Trees of life (bot. Thuja): Arborvitae are often used as hedge plants, but all parts of the plant are poisonous. Diarrhea, vomiting and paralysis are just a few of the symptoms, until death occurs in high amounts.

Thuja, tree of life

39. Laurel cherry (bot. Prunus laurocerasus): Laurel cherries are slightly poisonous and mainly attack the stomach. To do this, however, you would have to chew and swallow a large amount of the fruit thoroughly.

Laurel cherry, Prunus laurocerasus

Plants from M - P

40. lily of the valley (bot. Convallaria majalis): The lily of the valley is one of the most famous poisonous plants of spring in Germany. All parts of the plant are poisonous and lead to stomach problems and cardiac arrhythmias, which makes a doctor's visit necessary.

Lily of the valley, Convallaria majalis

41. mistletoe (bot. Viscum album): Mistletoe contains toxic proteins which, after consumption, lead to sweating and gastrointestinal complaints.

Mistletoe, Viscum album

42. Nightshade (bot. Solanum dulcamara): You should never eat the berries, especially when they are unripe. These contain alkaloids and thus seriously disrupt digestion.

Nightshade, Solanum dulcamara

43. Daffodils (bot. Narcissus): Be careful when planting daffodils. Because the popular spring flowers are a real poison bomb and can lead to death in large quantities. Stomach discomfort, vomiting, tiredness and symptoms of paralysis are then the signs of poisoning.

Daffodils, Narcissus

44. oleander (bot. Nerium oleander): Oleander should not be underestimated either. The dog poison plant has oleandrin, which in higher quantities inevitably leads to death. It is poisonous in all parts and can even cause skin irritation.

Oleander, Nerium oleander

45. Ongaonga (bot. Urtica ferox): Urtica ferox is a real poison cocktail. Formic acid, histamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine are just a few of the ingredients that cause extremely unpleasant irritation of the skin with blistering and itching. Anyone who has had contact with the plant over a long period of time should definitely see a doctor, as the poison cocktail can lead to death even if not consumed.

Ongaonga, Urtica ferox

46. Pfaffenhütchen (bot. Euonymus europaea): The euonymus is also popular with many people and children, the flowers of which are reminiscent of the hat of a clergyman. The bark, leaves and seeds in particular contain large amounts of alkaloids, which after consumption lead to cardiac arrhythmias and severe gastrointestinal discomfort. That is why a good hydration is important here.

Euonymus europaeus

Plants from R - S

47. Rhododendrons (bot. Rhododendrons): Rhododendrons are popular ornamental plants, but they are peppered with poisonous diterpenes. These can weaken the heartbeat to such an extent that it leads to shock, respiratory paralysis and even death.

Rhododendron can cause symptoms of poisoning

48. Giant hogweed (bot. Heracleum mantegazzianum): The giant hogweed is, as the name suggests, an extremely stately plant that is no less poisonous. The plant contains hyoscyamine, which increases depending on the intensity of the sun's rays. The plant irritates the skin when touched and can even cause burns 2. Trigger degree.

Giant hogweed, Heracleum mantegazzianum

49. Larkspurs (bot. Delphinium): The popular knight's spurs are slightly poisonous and hit the stomach a little after being consumed.

Delphinium, delphinium

50. Castor oil (bot. Ricinus communis): The poisonous plant of the year 2018, the miracle tree, is one of the deadliest plants in the garden. Because even an extremely small amount of seeds consumed can lead to death within 48 hours.

Castor oil plant, Ricinus communis

51. Crown of fame (bot. Gloriosa superba): The crown of fame is particularly popular with children because of its flower shape. It can lead to nausea and severe respiratory paralysis.

Crown of fame, Gloriosa superba in the flowerbed

52. Black henbane (bot. Hyoscyamus niger): One of the most poisonous plants in Germany, here even small amounts of swallowed flowers can lead to death. In any case, the emergency number must be contacted here.

Black henbane, Hyoscyamus niger

53. Iris (bot. Iris): Irises are also poisonous plants. The diterpenes cause stomach problems and diarrhea.

Bearded iris, iris

54. daphne (bot. Daphne mezereum): Daphne is very dangerous due to the picturesque flowers and can cause seizures in children. Adults are also not immune to the plant and skin contact often leads to violent blistering.

Daphne, Daphne-mezereum

55. Thorn apples (bot. Datura): Thorn apples are not to be trifled with either. Numerous symptoms are triggered by contact with the nightshade plant.

Thorn apple, datura

Plants from T - Z

56. Deadly nightshade (bot. Atropa belladonna): Yes, deadly nightshade. Known and feared. The plant with the black fruits, which are tempting to snack due to their sweet aroma, can trigger all kinds of symptoms, including reddening of the skin, restlessness and even hallucinations. It has been known for centuries and should be kept away from children, as they like to eat the berries.

Deadly nightshade - Belladonna atropa

57. Tulips (bot. Tulipa): Even tulips are poisonous in all parts of the plant and should therefore be consumed with caution. Because it can lead to cramps and dizziness.

Tulips, tulipa

58. Rowanberry (bot. Sorbus aucuparia): Rowan berries are only poisonous as soon as they are consumed uncooked. For this reason, always cook beforehand.

Rowanberry, Sorbus aucuparia

59. Water hemlock (bot. Cicuta virosa): The contained cicutoxin only affects humans. For example, vomiting, diarrhea or cramps occur just half an hour after consumption, followed by respiratory paralysis.

Water hemlock, Cicuta virosa

60. Cypress wolf milk (bot. Euphorbia cyparissias): The milky sap of cypress wolf milk contains terpene compounds which, when in contact with mucous membranes, lead to severe irritation and even long-lasting effects.

Cypress wolffish, Euphorbia cyparissias
Cypress wolffish, Euphorbia cyparissias

Note: Please note that this article does not in any way replace a visit to the doctor. There is no guarantee that medical statements are correct.

First aid in case of poisoning

If you or your family came into contact with one of these plants or even consumed parts of them, you should definitely take action. With poisonous plants of all kinds, it is important to act quickly and carefully. Because first aid requires calm action. Once you panic, things can get worse. Hence stand Quiet and speed at the top. The following instructions will help you provide first aid effectively:

Contact experts

If you are just slightly unwell, either the next one should Poison Control Center or contact a doctor. Alternatively, if the symptoms appear externally, a dermatologist can be contacted. If the symptoms turn into dangerous situations such as shortness of breath or a circulatory collapse, contact the emergency services in any case. Therefore you will find a list with the associated poison emergency calls at the end of this article.

W questions

During the 911 call, you should answer the five most important W questions as precisely as possible:

  • who is poisoned? For example a child, senior or adult
  • What did the poisoning cause? For example, a lily of the valley or a peanut is responsible
  • When did the poisoning take place?
  • As did the poisoning occur? For example, externally or through consumption
  • How much the poisonous plants was eaten or touched?

This will give the emergency number, doctor and poison control center all the information they need with regard to the symptoms of poisoning, the type of plants and whether there is any reason to hurry.


drink only water

It is best to give clear water during the waiting time so that the poisoned person remains hydrated.

Don't vomit

Never make the poisoned person vomit. Because that can make the situation worse.

Plant sample

Before you go to the doctor, you should definitely take a sample of the plant with you. It is best to cut a piece off so that the doctor can examine it. It is essential to wear gloves when dealing with plants that, for example, form a milky sap or otherwise irritate the skin. So you don't injure yourself even more.

tip: The German poison information centers can be reached 24 hours a day. If there is an acute emergency, you must report this so that you can also contact the emergency number overnight.

List of poison centers



Charite poison emergency call / Berlin poison emergency call
0 30-19 24 0


Information center against poisoning in North Rhine-Westphalia / Bonn poison center
Center for Pediatrics, University Hospital Bonn
02 28-19 24 0 and 0228 - 28 73 333


Joint poison information center (GGIZ Erfurt) of the states Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia in Erfurt
03 61-73 07 30


Poisoning Information Center Freiburg (VIZ)
university hospital Freiburg
07 61-19 24 0


Poison information center north of the states of Bremen, Hamburg, Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein (GIZ-Nord)
05 51-19 24 0

Homburg / Saar

Poisoning information and treatment center,
Saarland University Hospital and Medical Faculty of Saarland University
0 68 41-19 240 and 06841 - 16 83 15


Poison Information Center (GIZ) for the states of Rhineland-Palatinate and Hesse
Clinical toxicology, Mainz University Medical Center
0 61 31-19 240 and 06131 - 23 24 67


Poison Emergency Call Munich - Department of Clinical Toxicology Klinikum rechts der Isar - Technical University of Munich
0 89-19 24 0

Poison information centers in Austria and Switzerland

Vienna, Austria

Poisoning Information Center (VIZ) - Gesundheit Österreich GmbH
+43-1-4 06 43 43

Zurich, Switzerland

Swiss Toxicological Information Center
145 (throughout Switzerland)
+ 41-44-251 51 51 (from abroad)

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