PlantsClimbing Plants Care

Blue Mauritius, Convolvulus sabatius

The Blue Mauritius is one of the most beautiful and lush flowering plants which, with appropriate care, presents a veritable sea of ​​flowers. With their climbing and hanging growth, the graceful open flowers form a wonderful contrast to the light green, slightly silver foliage.useThe Blue Mauritius is also known under the botanical name Convolvulus sabatius and comes from the bindweed family. It is wonderfully suitable as summer planting, for cool winter gardens, rock gardens and plant bowls...

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Carnivorous Plants CarnivoresSuccessfully Overwintering Carnivorous PlantsPlants

Successfully overwintering carnivorous plants

The lavish abundance of nature has produced some extraordinary plants. The carnivores are undoubtedly one of them. Granted, they don't always look impressive on the outside. But there is one thing they are different from all other plants: They like meat! Do they tick so weird about other things? For example, when winter approaches: Do you need a digestive sleep? Or even a vegan diet?Species and climatic originCarnivorous plants, also known as carnivores, carnivores or insectivores, come in nu...

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Carnivorous Plants CarnivoresCarnivore Care, Fertilization, BreedingPlants

Carnivore care, fertilization, breeding

First of all, it should be said: Never start your collection with a larger assortment of carnivores. In the beginning it is better to limit yourself to a maximum of two related genera and only expand your collection after you have got a grip and time for the "intensive treatment" of new varieties.About the temperatureThe plants from different climates need different cultivation temperatures. Accordingly, the plants from colder home areas should be placed lower and vice versa, those from warme...

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Carnivorous Plants CarnivoresPlants

Propagate and overwinter pitcher plants

Apparently, plants also like it when they are special. Some plants therefore adorn themselves with fragrant flowers, other plants dress in attractive foliage. Both pitcher plants are probably too boring, they prefer to hang themselves with "pitchers" and use them to catch insects. If you want to add a couple of adorned specimens to your pot collection, you can try to increase your Nepenthes.Is it possible to multiply?If the existing pitcher plant thrives well, the desire to place more pitcher...

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Carnivorous Plants CarnivoresPlants

Venus Flytrap: Basics of Care, Watering, and Feeding

Like a Venus, it dresses in red, exudes an attractive scent and spreads its leaf arms. All insects are welcome on it. And then she lives up to the second part of the name. The trap snaps shut, the fly is at its mercy and is eaten along with its wings. Would you also like to experience this drama up close? But what setting does this diva need?originThe Venus Flytrap, offered. Dionaea muscipula, is originally a southern beauty from North and South Carolina. It thrives in the wild in barren swam...

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Spider Flower, Cleome Hassleriana: Care InstructionsPlantsContainer Plants & Balcony Flowers

Spider flower, Cleome hassleriana: care instructions

From late summer onwards, the spider flower conjures up a filigree lightness in the flowerbed. The spider plant is grown as an annual and you can propagate it yourself by sowing. It is not winter hardy and, because it is easy to multiply, it is usually not overwintered.Characteristicsbotanical name: Cleome hassleriana (most common species)Family: CleomaceaeFlower colors: purple, pinkFlowering period: July - OctoberHeight: 80 - 100 cmOrigin: South America (mainly Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina, Pa...

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Hanging And Standing Balcony PlantsPlantsContainer Plants & Balcony Flowers

Hanging and standing balcony plants

But that doesn't mean that you can't turn a balcony into a blooming oasis, hanging and standing balcony plants are exactly the right means.Which balcony plants are offered?There are many varieties of balcony plants. From the flower cascade to imposing tall plants and in numerous color combinations, there is a large selection available. Some of them are true classics and also known as permanent bloomers, such as the geranium. It even fulfills both variants: both standing and hanging geraniums ...

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PlantsContainer Plants & Balcony Flowers

Lime tree: this is how you care for and overwinter the lime correctly

The lime, the little sister of the lemon, exudes a Mediterranean flair and thus satisfies our longing for the distance. The strong green leaves look noble, the small flowers give off an intense scent in summer. And if the care is right, the aromatic, yellow-green fruit will also work.sortsLimes come in different varieties: Caviar lime, Roman lime, mandarin lime and Palestine lime are some of the well-known varieties. All of these varieties have similar maintenance requirements. The Mexican li...

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PlantsContainer Plants & Balcony Flowers

Container plants for the terrace with little water + full sun

With lavish flowers, potted plants transform the terrace into a summer oasis of wellbeing. This privilege is not only reserved for hobby gardeners with a free schedule. Those who devote themselves to their job during the day and have no time for extensive maintenance work do not have to do without the floral magic. Mother nature gives us a multitude of decorative plants that do not sag even on the south side of the house. The following selection presents you with recommended container plants ...

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PlantsContainer Plants & Balcony Flowers

Leadwort, plumbago: care from A to Z

Plumbago originally comes from South Africa and reaches heights of up to four meters there. In contrast to its rather dreary sounding name, the plant is a striking ornamental shrub with overhanging or slightly climbing branches. Throughout the summer, lead root never tires of showing off its sky-blue or white, phlox-like flowers in sunny locations.Characteristicsbotanical name: Plumbago auriculata (synonym: Plumbago caspensis)other names: leadwort, plumbago, cape leadwortPlant family: Plumbag...

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