Garden Pond Care TipsWhat To Do When Algae Bloom?Garden Pond

What to do when algae bloom?

Every pond owner knows the problem. In the pond, the water becomes cloudy and green. The algae are spreading. The water in a garden pond is extremely sensitive to external influences such as heat, UV radiation, etc. The substances in the water also contribute a lot to the changes. For example, if the water has a high phosphate content, the so-called algal bloom occurs. However, this can be prevented or counteracted. Prevention begins but already when planning a garden pond. The pond should be...

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Garden Pond Care TipsGarden Pond

Use Zeobacter lith in the garden pond in 8 steps

The right water quality in the garden pond is important, but unfortunately maintaining it is not an easy task. Usually, complicated and not inexpensive filter systems are used that consume a lot of time and usually also energy. Zeobacter lith should be an alternative:(1) The basic material of Zeobacterlite is zeolite, a porous rock material. Zeolites are minerals that are part of the natural components of our earth's crust, but they can also be produced artificially. The minerals have a uniqu...

  • 15-Nov-2021
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Garden Pond Care TipsGarden Pond

Pond safety: Five ways of child safety for garden ponds

A garden pond can quickly turn into a nightmare - when a child falls into the pond, injures itself or even drowns. Security measures are therefore essential. These can interfere with the optics under certain circumstances, but also save you a lot of trouble in case of doubt. And they protect lives. Fortunately, child safety devices for garden ponds can usually be installed quickly and inexpensively.problemWater is a magical attraction for children. They love to play and splash around with it....

  • 15-Nov-2021
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