Animals In The GardenInsects

Fighting ants with baking soda and 8 other natural home remedies

table of contentsAntsbaking powderMode of actionEnvironmental impactMore home remediesRelocateAnt plagueWhen asked about a natural ant remedy, most people answer baking soda. But how effective is the raising agent really and what alternatives are there?AntsAnts are one of the pests that almost everyone has been affected by. A common misconception is that ants produce formic acid, but that's nonsense! There are only red ants that can sting, but these are less common. Even if it is often assume...

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Animals In The GardenInsects

Suddenly a lot of flies in the room: what to do?

table of contentsPreventive measuresLook for the causeFight fliesfrequently asked QuestionsWhen spring arrives, it doesn't take long for the flies to spread in your room too. You can do that about it.In a nutshellFlies are annoying and harmful to healthif there are suddenly many of them in one room, there is usually a causepreventive measures help to prevent an infestationYou can take action against the insects even without chemicalsPreventive measuresSo that the humming insects don't even fl...

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Animals In The GardenInsects

Stock book for bees: information and PDF template

table of contentsDiseases in beesCarry out treatments in a comprehensible mannerThe inventory bookPDF templateWhether mites, bacteria or viruses, bees suffer from a wide variety of diseases. For the most promising treatment possible, an inventory book offers all beekeepers a clear, comprehensible and, above all, easy-to-use tool.Diseases in beesBee colonies are repeatedly plagued by diseases. The reason for this lies on the one hand in the organization of the peoples with their innumerable in...

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Animals In The GardenInsects

List of all mosquito species in Germany

table of contentsMosquito speciesoriginprotectionMosquito speciesThe mosquitoes, which are usually harmless and resident in the local latitudes, have unfortunately found company in recent years. Some mosquito species from the tropical regions now feel quite comfortable here too. Unfortunately, these mosquitoes are not entirely harmless and can transmit a wide variety of diseases. Because they can be infected with various pathogens, which they can then transmit to humans during the stinging pr...

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Animals In The GardenInsects

Identify flying bugs in the apartment

table of contentsAmerican cone bugsGreen stink bugsGray garden bugsLeather bugsMarbled stink bugsfrequently asked QuestionsIn the warm summer months there is an increased spread of flying bugs. Exactly which varieties are involved can be seen very well based on certain characteristics.In a nutshellFlying bugs are comparatively large insectsForm six legs, antennae and solid armorOccur in Germany in many variationsWith proboscis they only feed on sapAre completely harmless to humans and petsAme...

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Animals In The GardenInsects

Zebra jumping spider in the garden: is it poisonous?

table of contentsZebra jumping spiderToxic or not?human and animalThe zebra jumping spider (Salticus scenicus) is one of the smallest of its kind. Due to its size, it can sometimes be easily overlooked in the garden. The small, skilled hunters are usually particularly active during the summer months. For some people, the little crawling animals are just repulsive and dangerous. Others are impressed and fascinated by the zebra jumping spider. Should you really avoid the “little ones” when they...

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Animals In The GardenInsects

Help: ants with wings everywhere: what to do?

table of contentsThe most important clue of allWhere flying ants come fromWhere flying ants can appearHome remedies for fighting the insectsLess advisable methodsImportant method in the gardenAnts in the lawnPreventfrequently asked QuestionsWinged ants most often appear suddenly and in large numbers. Although they are not dangerous, they can become so bothersome that you want to fight them.In a nutshellflying ants are not dangerousthere are no flying ants as a separate speciesflying ants appe...

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Animals In The GardenInsects

Hornets in the roller shutter box: what to do with a hornet's nest in the house?

table of contentsHornetsNesting placePrevent settlementRelocate nestRemove nest yourself?ResettlementcostsLive with the animalsHornets, like bees and wasps, are insects that like to nestle with their nests on human property. They are attracted by the warmth, the sheltered place and the proximity to possible food and start building their nests, for example in the roller shutter box or roof gable. Since the first stages of a hornet's nest are difficult to recognize, the shock is great when a wh...

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Animals In The GardenInsects

Stink bugs in the house: how can I get rid of them?

table of contentsCaptureVinegar and detergent solutionSeal accessesfrequently asked QuestionsStink bugs in the house are one of the most unpleasant annoyances for many. Although they are not dangerous, the presence of the large bedbugs raises the question of how to drive them away.In a nutshellStink bugs are harmless to people, pets, plants, and building structuresif they are killed or threatened, they give off a stinking secretionthe insects can be driven away and controlled by various metho...

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Animals In The GardenInsects

Ears slip, ear canker, ear slurps: many names, one animal

table of contentsOccurrence of the ear creeperWanted poster of the catchy tuneEarwigs are omnivoresDanger to people?Beneficial or pest?frequently asked QuestionsLegend has it that the ear crawler crawls into people's ears at night, biting the eardrum to lay its eggs. Is that really true? You can get an answer here.In a nutshellEars are nocturnalthey love warmth and moistureEarwigs are omnivoresBut ear hoofs are not dangerousOccurrence of the ear creeperThe insects, which are universally known...

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